Click the button below to start downloading the latest version of Journey Plotter.
The setup, or installation, application is contained in a ZIP-archive.
Extract it from the ZIP-archive, and run it to install Journey Plotter.
warningThe application isn't signed.
Please trust it, or do not install the application.
See Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Version 2.6, release date 12 March 2024.
What's new?
- Requires .NET Framework 4.8, or higher.
- Gazetteer Search falls back to insecure connection (http) if secure connection (https) fails.
A more detailed list of changes can be found in the complete version history.
Journey Plotter is distributed as freeware.
However, if you think Journey Plotter is useful to you, and you wish to make a monetary donation to express your appreciation for the time and resources I have spent developing and supporting the program, I will happily accept it.
Your gratitude and financial help will also motivate me to continue Journey Plotter's development and support.
Donations can easily and safely be made using PayPal. Click the button with the currency of your preference to make a donation, or scan the corresponding QR-code.
Thank you for your support. I really appreciate your assistance.
Legal notice: By making a donation to the Journey Plotter project you signify that you acknowledged, understood, accepted, and agreed to the terms and conditions contained in this notice. Your donation to the Journey Plotter project is voluntary and is not a fee for any services, goods, or advantages, and making a donation to the Journey Plotter project does not entitle you to any services, goods, or advantages. I have the right to use the money you donate to the Journey Plotter project in any lawful way and for any lawful purpose I see fit and I am not obligated to disclose the way and purpose to any party unless required by applicable law. Although Journey Plotter is free software, to my best knowledge the Journey Plotter project does not have any tax exempt status (the Journey Plotter project is neither a registered non-profit corporation nor a registered charity in any country). Your donation may or may not be tax-deductible; please consult this with your tax advisor. I will not publish/disclose your name and e-mail address without your consent, unless required by applicable law. Your donation is non-refundable.